Site Visit Report for 21st March 2019
Amanda Rickwood of Daniells Harrison meet Kevin Morgan and Roxane Johnson
1. The stump of the Hombeam tree at the back of no 30 wpg in the open space is a trip hazard and needs to have this stump ground down. Amanda to action.
2. The resident of No.25 Harrison Road is worried that the tree maybe undermining his brick wall. The tree in question is growing on the edge of the Estate and the roots are forcing up the tarmac on the pavement. This tree needs to be cut down . Amanda to action.
3. The overgrown weeds along the whole of Harrison Road including the overhanging branches also need cutting back. Amanda to liaise with the gardeners.
4. The two gates need to be put back on the strip at the north side of the estate over the Southern Water pipes. Apparently there is a covenant which states these gates are to be maintained at our cost. Also the grass needs cutting.
5. The residents who live in Park Lane next to the Estate going down to our border with Park Lane are asking whether our gardeners could pick up the litter along this stretch.
6. The border on Park Lane along the pavement up the incline a slope alongside our fence down to the pavement needs to be cut. Amanda to liaise with the gardeners.