Nuisance Car and Burglar Alarms
Over the last winter period your committee had reports of car and house alarms sounding or being activated during darkness hours.
If residents are away from home either on holiday or just short periods consider nominating 2 different key holders, these key holders could be a trusted local neighbour or relative, each key holder should be able to reach your premises with 20 minutes and be able to reset your house security system or locate car keys to disable the car alarm if activated, remember car alarms are very sensitive and can be triggered just by leaving that small gap by not closing your car window fully.
Planned maintenance will considerably reduce the amount of false alarms which can be annoying especially during the early hours of the day. Remember to notify your neighbour or registered key holder if you plan to be away.
Your house alarm should deactivate automatically after 20 mins, and if the Police or Local Council have been notified they have the legal right to break in and disconnect the alarm if key holders cannot be contacted.
They may have to re secure your premises by changing the locks, they will charge you for any time and money spent deactivating your alarm.
Nominated key holders should be registered with your local police, who should be given names and addresses and 24 hour contact numbers of key holders.
The police will contact the Environmental Health Officers who are on duty 24 hours a day.
Should you have any queries about noise from intruder and car alarm's, please email or call 01329 236100
For further information on noise visit:
Fareham Borough Council - Noise Nuisance
Defra-Bothered By Noise where a FREE booklet can be dowloaded.