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Hedges on the Highways

As mentioned at the AGM there was an ongoing discussion with both Fareham Borough Council (FBC) and Hampshire County Council (HCC) regarding who has responsibility for maintaining the hedgerows abutting Park Lane and Harrison Road. The councils insisted that this was now our responsibility, although the council up until last year had kept the kerbside clear of brambles and branches.

The committee have pushed back against this decision with some support from First Port at the outset. However, the council have produced a Title Plan (attached) which suggests it was always our responsibility. We believe the definition of the boundary cannot be determined from the attached Title Plan. First Port legal department have come down firmly on the side of the Councils and instructed the gardeners to conduct the minimum maintenance commensurate with maintain the safety of pedestrians on both Park lane and Harrison Road. This maintenance costs £150 and will have to be conducted at least twice a year.

The committee have written to the Councils stating that they would be content to assume responsibility for Harrison Road as the majority of the vegetation emanates from inside our fence line. However, with the fence line more than 15ft in parts from the pavement inside edge in Park Lane it was felt that this was the Councils responsibility still. However they disagree, claiming “times are hard”, and are not prepared to move on the issue. So for the foreseeable future each household on the estate will be faced with an additional £3.65 per annum. I f you have any ideas or thought on how best you want your committees to proceed please provide at the following e-mail or pop round for a chat at No 21 WPG.

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